8月29日,是帝沃公司的周年纪念日,我们特别感谢以下客户对我们的信任与支持! 帝沃公司成立于2017年8月29日,我们致力于食品、制药、化工等领域金属探测器的专业技术服务,目前已服务于各自领域内的多家知名公司,同时我们也将进一步推进此领域先进技术开发与推广应用! 我们也是LOMA公司在中国大陆的主要合作公司之一,我们服务的客户基本都是各领域中最知名公司,同时对金属探测器设备也有着最苛刻的要求。通过我们的专业技术服务与支持,我们可以为客户解决金属探测器在使用过程中的各种问题,同时也能为客户评估设备可靠性并给出可供参考的可靠性指标。
Aug.29th is the anniversary of Devo Company. We are especially grateful to the following customers for your trust and support! Devo Detection was founded in 2017. We are one of LOMA's preferred distributors for the service in China. We serve the best quality customers, solve the most difficult problems, accept the highest standard challenge! So far, we have solved a large number of complicated issues. Almost every one of our customers is a leader in their industry. And we are very much looking forward to your request for higher standards. Especially with regard to the application of metal detectors. And whether or not you are a LOMA user or any brand user, as long as you have a problem or question, you can contact us! For any technical questions about metal detectors please contact: support@devodt.com