Metal detector, wrong alarm 9 times in three days, a lot?
The following screenshot came from our customers, since some texts may involve customer information, they have been blurred, but the most critical part is retained.

The most important information in the email is: Customer complaining that the metal detector is not stable enough, and there have been 9 wrong alarms in 3 days!
三天、9次! Three days, 9 times!
这实际是在2年前的案例,最近我们整理文档时发现了它。This is actually a case before 2 years, and I found it when I was recently organized.
现在我们仍然与客户合作的非常好,并且最终也查找到了原因,现在已经极其少的错误报警。Now we still work very well with our customers, and eventually find the reason, and now there is an extremely less wrong alarm.
所以,金属探测器其实可以非常稳定! Therefore, the metal detector can actually be very stable!